Are You Ready for Academy Pro!


What we provide

  • Weekly Boardroom Calls:
    Get the exclusive access to our Boardroom calls. These calls will help you to start to think of the future and the possibility in your business and what it takes to get there.

  • Legacy Execution Course:
    This course is where the rubber meets the road. You will reverse engineer your business all the way from ten years out to the next 90 days. You will identify key hires, systems and resources and weekly numbers you must be tracking to hit your targets.

  • Effective Meetings Course:
    No one likes to have meetings just to have meetings! We’ll teach you how to have weekly meetings that actually get things done! How to reset your business every quarter to stay on track, and how to look back over the year and plan the next.

  • Access to Digital Course Library:
    Audit your business and get in-depth education around time management, markups, margins. Plus, get access to our personal growth 30 Day Jumpstart program, so you can grow your business’ #1 asset, you!

What we expect of you

  • Execute:

    We know that one of the keys to success is doing what you said you would do! Day in and day out, even when there's no time, to be focused on the bigger goals in your business and become an elite executer! We shoot for 80%! This isn't a game of perfection, it's all about moving forward.

  • Keep Your commitments:

    This is a commitment to your business to do the things you have committed to doing. There isn't a miracle training, system or piece of advice that will transform your business or you overnight. There will be days you won't want to do the work, your why must be bigger than your excuses!

  • Ask For Help:

    None of us are as smart as all of us! Ask questions when you have them. Ask for help when you need it. You are no longer on an island and have a whole team of people cheering you on to win. Learn from others to help your journey move faster.

  • Do The Work This is a done on your own program. You must show up for you and do the work, finish the courses and be on the calls. You will get out what you put in.

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